Baritone David Bizic starred as Belcore in San Francisco Opera’s co-production of Donizetti’s L’elisir d’amore on the 19 November- 09 December 2023. The collaboration with Lyric Opera of Chicago was the west coast premiere of the production.

Bizic received high praise for his performances:

“The ladies-man army sergeant, Belcore, leads a small contingent of Navy men on Vespas onto the stage, upping the contrast between his experienced bravado in wooing Adina and Nemorino’s naïveté. In his company debut, French baritone David Bižić held his own on both vocal sheen and personality definition.” – Harvey Steinman, Seen and Heard International

“Serbian baritone David Bizic was the attractive military officer, Belcore, who wooed Adina and thus stoked Nemorino’s jealousy. Suave and cunning, singing with vocal ease…he was a perfect match for our heroine.” – Lois Silverstein, OperaWire

“French baritone David Bizic created a fresh and charming, young Belcore. With a finely wrought, healthy young voice he made this role far more sympathetic than simply a stock buffo presentation.” – Michael Milenski, Opera Today 

Photo Credit: Cory Weaver/SFO